Hi, My name is Brittany. And I’m addicted to Mountain Dew.   No really. I am. I start my day with a Mountain Dew. Lord help everyone or anyone who comes with in 5 feet of me if I  don’t get my ‘juice’.  
I swear I can hear Angels sing.  Can you? No ? Okay, Glad to know it’s just me and that I haven’t turned sane.

Recently I read an article about Mountain Dew  having brominated vegetable oil.  Supposedly this ingredient can cause a whole slew of medical conditions and make people turn into zombies.  So  not wanting to fall victim to a possible zombie apocalypse, and the fact that Brominated Vegetable Oil  just sounds gross, I decided to try to give up Mountain Dew. 

Plus I thought to myself “ I could always lose a little weight, I’m sure if I give up MD the pounds will drop off”.  So the challenge was, what to drink instead. I HATE water. Hate it I tell you!  There’s no flavor. I know that may be the point, but shh!  Anyway, so while doing our routine grocery shopping I came across this little thing. 

0 calories.. AND it tastes like sweet tea!?   It sounded too good to be true!

And it did make ordinary water taste like sweet tea. But all that gimmick was too good to be true.. after a week ;no MD, I was BrittZilla. Don’t cross me, don’t disagree with me, and don’t even look at me funny! My husband pretty much avoided me this whole week. So I made the decision to relapse. I think it was for the better though.   I was beginning to miss my husband.  

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