Can you guess what I am baking today?? 

Oh wait… I left out one incredibly important ingredient. 

NOW can you guess what I am baking today?!  Oh yes, Blueberry cheesecake cookies.
I first found this recipe on Pinterest.. Pinterest is the devil I tell you. It’s highly addicting, I end up spending most of my day looking for new recipes to get away from the same old boring cooking that I normally do.  Then at about 45 minutes before my husband gets home I rush around the house making it look like I worked hard all day and attempt to get dinner on the stove. Yeah, procrastination is my middle name.  So is distracted.   Now, as I was saying before I started explaining how Pinterest is the devil, I had found this recipe on there and decided to adapt it to what was available to me at our local commissary. You’d be amazed at how little of a selection we get since we live overseas. 

So, Let me break this down for you.  We have:
1 packet of Martha White blueberry muffin mix
2 oz of cream cheese
½ a stick of butter
¼ of a cup of light brown sugar, firmly packed
1 egg ( yes I know I have 2 in the picture.. and yes I did add 2 eggs.. The result?  Softest cookies I ever ate.)
¾ of a cup of white chocolate chips

Note that this is ½ a recipe. We don’t eat cookies that often in this house.. or any sweets for that matter. Don’t get me wrong I could live off of this stuff, but my husband is NOT  a sweets guy so I don’t bother baking stuff half the time.  Does that make me not wifey enough? 

Cream the sugar, butter and cream cheese together. You can use a mixer for this, that would definitely make things move along faster. But I only own a European hand mixer and have yet to translate how to use it( probably never will before we PCS out of here).. again procrastination at its best.  So, I did it old school with a wooden spoon. 
You should get a goop looking like this.  Completely disgusting yet totally satisfying.

Ok maybe not totally.  

Add an egg and blend well. Don’t be like me and add an extra egg.  
Or be like me and add an extra egg. To each their own, right?
And this is what it should kind of sort of look like before adding the muffin mix
Add the mix and stir  until its creamy and smooth. 
kind of looks like cake batter, or really sloppy cookie dough. Either way I’m excited at this point
there’s nothing I like more than blueberry cheese cake. Ok I lied.. There’s lots of things, but we’ll discover that later. 

Fold in your white chocolate chips. I personally LOVE white chocolate. Seriously for the next holiday that requires me receiving chocolates as a gift, someone tell my husband to save his money and get me a hershey’s cookies and cream bar.  Sorry, Russel Stover.. I'm just not your type of girl. 
And you have the ultimate cookie dough. Resist the urge to eat a spoonful immediately.  I totally caved, and regretted nothing.  

Call the CDC, I ate raw cookie dough.  I have been eating raw cookie dough for 20 years and NEVER got sick. My Grandmother did it, my mom did it, I did it.. I did it while I was pregnant. And guess what, my little side kick is going to as well. 

.. when she is old enough.

The Zohan has been in sidekick mode like something fierce lately.  She follows me everywhere, and just has to see what I am doing. 

She supervises all of my cooking and baking.  Probably hoping that I’ll cave in and be like her dad and let her taste everything. .. Sigh… 
Cover with plastic wrap.  It was hard to resist, but the fear of the stupid cling wrap getting stuck to me or itself kept me from eating the bowl of dough/goopy goodness. 
Preheat oven to 325F  if your oven is like mine it takes 30-45 minutes for it to heat. Refrigerate dough for AT LEAST one hour.   Go read a book, take a walk.. or a nap. 
Guilty fact: I cleaned and reorganized my fridge for this photo. 
I played with little bit for that hour. How cute is that dress!? 
How cute is she?! I feel a bias mom moment coming on. 
Ok. I think that’s enough.

So after patiently waiting an hour.. Good things come to those who wait!

Give it a quick stir, eat a glob of dough.. and  spoon spoonfuls on to a slightly greased cookie sheet.  
So my spoonfuls are kind of big.  I like big cookies.  Don’t mind my old cookie sheet, we have been though hell and high water together. 
Set oven timer for 14-15 minutes. My oven jumped to 13 before I could take a picture. 
Re-Cover and put back in fridge. It is important to keep the dough chilled in between batches. 
The final product!  Let cool on tray for 2-3 minutes, then finish cooling on wire rack. 
Enjoy! *sorry I ate one before I took the picture. I couldn’t help myself*

I think next time I will use only the one egg, and maybe make smaller cookies.  I have a cranberry orange muffin mix that I am dying to try this recipe with!  Happy Baking! 

9/21/2012 03:50:54 am

Looks really good sweetie! You did a great job here! I love the pics of your sidekick!

7/15/2018 11:09:18 am

thanks, this was exactly what I was looking for and we sound a good bit a like in that we look for new and creative things to bake; I got on web to look for cookies to make with this muffin mix knew someone had to have done it if I thought about it. I am going to do this here in just a bit. I am trying to do several different things for my 4 grandchildren and my 2 great nieces and of course all the adults get some. lol have a great day and thanks for the service your husband gives us and thank you for the support you give him. Love Karen K. Knotts 306 Dairy Street Apt. F12 Covington, VA 24426 Take Care. God Bless


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