So there I was, once again racing to get a fancy dinner on the table before the hubbs got home.  And I had a serious craving for bread.. particularly garlic knots.  But all I had on hand were refrigerated biscuits and crescent rolls..  Okay time to get crafty.  I figured crescent rolls would work best with what I was going for. 

So this is what you're going to need:

1 can of refrigerated crescent rolls 
2 tbs of melted butter
garlic powder
parsley (dried)

SO seperate all of your crescent dough triangles and start at the 90* angle and roll it up.  Then slowly roll it outwards...  lengthen it to about 8 inches and take the two ends and criss cross them so that the roll is in the shape of a heart. 
Brush on melted butter, then sprinkle each roll with garlic powder and dried parsley. 
Bake for 15 minutes at 375* . 
Voila!  Brush more melted butter on top.  We aren't afraid of butter in this house. 

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