So as of right now, we are forecasted for...  SNOW this weekend.  This Texas girl does not do snow before January.  So we are commencing lockdown procedures and staying inside all weekend ( at least that is MY plan.. though things rarely go the way I plan, so we shall see).   Starting today I am going to be making Comfort Food from now until probably February.. well now that I actually think about it I'll be making Comfort Food for the next two weeks until the movers get here and we go live in  wonderful 3 star army lodging and eating take out for a month. SO that being said.. Tonight's dinner is homestyle Chili-Mac!  .. Real creative I know.. I know.    So I want to know, When the weather outside is frightful, what is YOUR favorite Comfort Food!?  

Just shout it out in the Comments below!   
Today, because it’s unreasonably cold, wet and rainy. 
 I decided I needed a hearty “warm your bones up” meal.  So I made Gnocchi &Cheese with sausage and peppers.  If that doesn’t make you think of fall type meal, well then please show me what a fall type meal is.. because I want one. Seriously. 
So Our star players this time are:
Butter ( you’ll need LOTS of it)
2 TBS so sauté peppers, and gnocchi .
3-4 Tbs for white sauce

Bell peppers, or what ever peppers you’d like- diced.
1 Johnsonville smoked sausage link, cut into ½ inch rounds.

¼ - ½ cup of milk depending on how ‘saucy’ you like your sauce
1-2 tbs of AP Flour

1 cup of grated cheese of your choice
Note: I also added velveeta, I didn’t realize we were low on grated cheese so I cheated a bit. Forgive me? 
First Boil the Gnocchi in salted water for about 5 minutes, or until they float. 
While the gnocchi is boiling, cut up the smoked sausage and brown on both sides in a heated skillet.  If you purchase the Johnsonville sausage link, you don’t necessarily need to brown it, as it is already cooked. But My preference is that my sausage be a little on the crispy side.   
Once the gnocchi is floating, strain it and let it cool.
While the gnocchi is cooling, pour the smoked sausage into the pot that had the gnocchi boiling in it and set it aside.   Don't be like me and get distracted by my amazingly handsome husband coming home and end up burning the sausage on one side.  There's no escaping this one by calling it flavor, those piggy's are straight up blackened to a crisp.  When I said I liked em crispy, I didn't mean extra crispy with a side of ash.  Don't be like me. 
Add 2 tbs of butter to the heated skillet and let it melt, once the butter is melted add the diced peppers and the cooled gnocchi.   Sauté until  the gnocchi starts to get color and the peppers are cooked.   
Add the peppers and gnocchi to the pot with the sausage and set aside. 
Then turn the heat on the skillet down to just above a simmer, and add 3-4 tbs of butter and let it melt, once the butter has melted add 1-2 tbs of flour and stir it all together until it makes a paste.
Gradually add the milk until you get a watery gravy, this is the base for your cheese sauce.  
Add in your grated cheese, I think 1 cup would do. I only had ¼ of a cup at the time, so I added about a 2 inch slice off the block of velveeta.   So I cheated a little in making a cheese sauce.  Don’t judge.  
Stir almost constantly until the cheese is combined with the base and it has thickened up.  Think semi-soupy gravy. At least that’s my preferred consistency.  Then add what ever spices you please to the sauce, I chose garlic powder and a hint of cayenne. 
Pour sauce over the gnocchi mixture and toss to coat.  
Divvy it up and fall in love.    No need to thank me. 
So there I was, once again racing to get a fancy dinner on the table before the hubbs got home.  And I had a serious craving for bread.. particularly garlic knots.  But all I had on hand were refrigerated biscuits and crescent rolls..  Okay time to get crafty.  I figured crescent rolls would work best with what I was going for. 

So this is what you're going to need:

1 can of refrigerated crescent rolls 
2 tbs of melted butter
garlic powder
parsley (dried)

SO seperate all of your crescent dough triangles and start at the 90* angle and roll it up.  Then slowly roll it outwards...  lengthen it to about 8 inches and take the two ends and criss cross them so that the roll is in the shape of a heart. 
Brush on melted butter, then sprinkle each roll with garlic powder and dried parsley. 
Bake for 15 minutes at 375* . 
Voila!  Brush more melted butter on top.  We aren't afraid of butter in this house. 
Yesterday was chaotic. In a ‘I’m covered in paperwork up to my ears’ type of way.  Between chasing The Zohan and trying to get my scanner to actually oh I don’t know.. SCAN. I didn’t get through my paperwork until about 3 in the afternoon. Then I had emails to forward and answer. So basically 'Hi, I am Brittany and I can meet all of your clerical needs.'  Which doesn’t bother me, except for the fact I didn’t pull anything out to thaw for dinner.  At about 4 PM my husband called to tell me one of his guys split their head open and he was driving them to the hospital.  So, I didn’t anticipate them being done before 6PM. Boy was I wrong!  I forget how fast hospitals work here to get you out of their waiting rooms.

I got a 20 minute warning text at about 5pm. Great.  So I quickly pulled together what could have been the most epic meal I have ever thrown together in about 45 minutes to an hour.  With a storm brewing on the horizon.
5 minutes later...
I wanted a fall type meal. 
So we got:
Main dish:
8 oz of angel hair pasta
1 cup of Ricotta cheese
1 cup of sour cream
1/3 cup of milk
1lb package of frozen medium precooked deveined tail off shrimp
5 tbsp of butter

1 cup of milk plus 1 tbsp of melted butter ( I didn’t have half and half this is the best substitute for that)
2 tbsp of crushed garlic
1 zucchini  chopped
3 oz of cream cheese
and fresh ground black pepper to taste.

1 whole acorn squash
1 stick of butter sliced up into tbsp sections ( see butter wrapping to know where to cut)
and ¼ -1/2 a cup of brown sugar.

I am sorry I don’t have step by step photos this time, I literally made this recipe on the fly.. and I don’t do step by step processes unless I know its going to be a hit.

Start by boiling your pasta in salted water.  Add about 2 tbsp of butter to hot water after you have put in your pasta. This helps keep the pasta from sticking together and it also gives your pasta a rich flavor.

Cut the acorn squash in half and gut it. Easier said than done with a raw squash.  Once that is all done.. put about 1/3-1/4 of a cup of water in the pits and put it in the oven which should be heated to 455F for fast steaming convenience.  Itll take about 20-30 minutes for it to steam enough that you can slice up and peel the squash no problem.

In a sauce pan, sauté crushed garlic and zucchini til its all nice and toasty.  Next add in your cream cheese and let it melt a little bit.  Once it starts to look like the cream cheese is curdled ( Its not trust me!) add in your milk and butter. And let it simmer a while. 

In a separate bowl combine ricotta cheese, milk, and sour cream. You can also add a little Italian seasoning to give it flavor.   Now the pasta should be done, so drain it carefully, and return it to the pot. Add in the rest of the butter, no sticky pasta and it tastes rich and creamy!   Pour in the ricotta mixture and mix it well with the pasta.  Then pour the pasta into a lightly greased 9x13 baking dish, cover the pasta in the sauce. Add your shrimp on top, you can drizzle a little bit of melted butter over the top to help give the shrimp flavor. I opted to sprinkle it with paprika because I thought it needed color!  Set aside and take a deep breath. Me? I took a swig of my margarita.  Okay it was a huge gulp, I got brain freeze and paid for it dearly.  

Once your squash is well… squashy..  you should be able to cut it with ease.  So I opted to slice mine like a watermelon, and peel it. Then I cut the rest of the meat of the squash into cubes and  in an even layer in another 9x13 baking pan.  Glob globs of butter on top of the squash.. then crumble the brown sugar..  put both pans in the oven that is still on 455F for about 10 minutes.  And your finished product is amazing and magnificent!  My husband ate the whole pan of pasta.. I ate the whole pan of squash.

 And now if you’ll excuse me, I must go do the stair master as I have an extremely cute Ball Dress to squeeze into!  
Living in Europe has spoiled me.  Spoiled me rotten I say! I get REAL Italian food, Olive Garden just doesn’t compare.   I love Alfredo.  Bolognese is good, but Alfredo is the way to my heart.   Dining out can get pretty pricey, especially here in Bavaria.  So I set out to find a way to make store bought sauce taste like homemade sauce.   After baking amazing blueberry cheese cake cookies, and my husband calling to give me a 20 minute warning that he was on his way home, I decided chicken Alfredo was just the thing to make for dinner.  
So here is half of our cast of characters for tonight’s meal. This is what happens when I’m in a hurry to get dinner started before my husband walks through the door asking ‘What’s for dinner?’

So, let me lay it all out for ya:
16 oz of bowtie pasta
1 cup of mixed cauliflower and broccoli (Mine are frozen, which is why I didn't add olive oil to the list, the water from the ice will steam all of your vegetables)
¼ of a cup each of diced (julienne
  style) red,yellow and green bell pepper.
¼ of a cup of diced onion ( or less.. Im not a fan of onion)
1 package of precooked and sliced Tyson grilled chicken breast. ( because at this point I now have 15 minutes to get things started.)

1 Jar of Bertolli Alfredo sauce
½ a tsp of Hot Shot black and red cracked pepper
1 TBSp of crushed garlic ( we like garlic.. I’d keep your distance  )
a dash of salt
and 2 oz of Cream Cheese..  Yes, cream cheese. THIS is what makes the sauce taste like its homemade and been simmering for what seems like forever.    I discovered this nifty little trick one night, while I was in a rush yet again to get dinner on the table.  I had a hankering for homemade Alfredo but didn’t have time or half the ingredients. I did however have a jar of premade sauce and cream cheese, I thought ‘oh why not?’  The good thing about being married to an Infantry man is that, he has eaten MUCH MUCH worse than anything I can cook in my kitchen.. So I figured if this experiment went awry , He wouldn’t complain…. Much.  

Start to cook your broccoli and cauliflower in a 2 qt sauce pan on medium heat.  Don’t mind my hard water spots, the water here in Germany is awful.
While your vegetables are cooking start a pot of salted water to boil. You should need about this much salt. 
Okay, I lied.. It definitely needs more salt. One thing I learned from our local Italiano restaurant is; you can never over salt your pasta water.  So lay it on! 
While you have your vegetables cooking, and the water boiling..and the baby occupied. "Oprah calls it multi-tasking" (Name that movie!) ..Dice up your peppers  julienne style, be sure to remove the seeds and core. 
Now that you have got it looking all fancy like… 
Throw it in the pot with your broccoli and cauliflower and give it a toss. 
Now add your crushed garlic, we love this stuff.  We use it in everything. 
So it’s WAY more than a Tablespoon, we’ll say its 2 tablespoons and call it good.  T-minus 7 minutes until hubby’s ETA.  Now would be a good time to pour your pasta into the boiling water.   Never mind my burned cauliflower..  In our house, nothing is burned; it’s full of flavor. Except for the croissant rolls from last night’s dinner, but I’ll save that juicy little tid bit for later. 
Put a lid on the pot and let it steam it up.  Hubby recently took over my kitchen and decided to hide things from me during his effort to re-arrange everything.  Thus leading to me not able to find anything! With the clock counting down I resorted to using my casserole dish lid. It was where I could reach and find and it worked. 
After a few minutes add the cream cheese. It would probably be best to cut it into smaller cubes rather than huge globs. I was pressed for time , don’t judge. 
Once the cream cheese has melted a little, give it a good stir. 
Now would be an optimal time to add in the chicken. As well as the premade store bought sauce. 
Since hubby took over my kitchen, I cannot for the life of me find my black pepper grinder. So I use this as a substitute.  Same thing, sort of. ½ a teaspoon .. or as much to your liking. And Stir it up.

And return the ghetto fabulous lid to the pot.  
Drain the pasta and return it to it’s pot.  Yes my strainer and I had an incident. We have forgiven each other. 
Pour vegetables and sauce over pasta and toss to coat. 
Divvy it up and serve! Can you tell which one is my husbands?
He has to have cayenne and crushed red pepper on EVERYTHING. He swears it adds flavor. I swear it’s indigestion waiting to happen.   Dinner was finished shortly after Hubby walked in the door, he inhaled it and all was right in our house. Tomorrow’s adventure: Re-organize the recently re-organized kitchen.  
Can you guess what I am baking today?? 

Oh wait… I left out one incredibly important ingredient. 

NOW can you guess what I am baking today?!  Oh yes, Blueberry cheesecake cookies.
I first found this recipe on Pinterest.. Pinterest is the devil I tell you. It’s highly addicting, I end up spending most of my day looking for new recipes to get away from the same old boring cooking that I normally do.  Then at about 45 minutes before my husband gets home I rush around the house making it look like I worked hard all day and attempt to get dinner on the stove. Yeah, procrastination is my middle name.  So is distracted.   Now, as I was saying before I started explaining how Pinterest is the devil, I had found this recipe on there and decided to adapt it to what was available to me at our local commissary. You’d be amazed at how little of a selection we get since we live overseas. 

So, Let me break this down for you.  We have:
1 packet of Martha White blueberry muffin mix
2 oz of cream cheese
½ a stick of butter
¼ of a cup of light brown sugar, firmly packed
1 egg ( yes I know I have 2 in the picture.. and yes I did add 2 eggs.. The result?  Softest cookies I ever ate.)
¾ of a cup of white chocolate chips

Note that this is ½ a recipe. We don’t eat cookies that often in this house.. or any sweets for that matter. Don’t get me wrong I could live off of this stuff, but my husband is NOT  a sweets guy so I don’t bother baking stuff half the time.  Does that make me not wifey enough? 

Cream the sugar, butter and cream cheese together. You can use a mixer for this, that would definitely make things move along faster. But I only own a European hand mixer and have yet to translate how to use it( probably never will before we PCS out of here).. again procrastination at its best.  So, I did it old school with a wooden spoon. 
You should get a goop looking like this.  Completely disgusting yet totally satisfying.

Ok maybe not totally.  

Add an egg and blend well. Don’t be like me and add an extra egg.  
Or be like me and add an extra egg. To each their own, right?
And this is what it should kind of sort of look like before adding the muffin mix
Add the mix and stir  until its creamy and smooth. 
kind of looks like cake batter, or really sloppy cookie dough. Either way I’m excited at this point
there’s nothing I like more than blueberry cheese cake. Ok I lied.. There’s lots of things, but we’ll discover that later. 

Fold in your white chocolate chips. I personally LOVE white chocolate. Seriously for the next holiday that requires me receiving chocolates as a gift, someone tell my husband to save his money and get me a hershey’s cookies and cream bar.  Sorry, Russel Stover.. I'm just not your type of girl. 
And you have the ultimate cookie dough. Resist the urge to eat a spoonful immediately.  I totally caved, and regretted nothing.  

Call the CDC, I ate raw cookie dough.  I have been eating raw cookie dough for 20 years and NEVER got sick. My Grandmother did it, my mom did it, I did it.. I did it while I was pregnant. And guess what, my little side kick is going to as well. 

.. when she is old enough.

The Zohan has been in sidekick mode like something fierce lately.  She follows me everywhere, and just has to see what I am doing. 

She supervises all of my cooking and baking.  Probably hoping that I’ll cave in and be like her dad and let her taste everything. .. Sigh… 
Cover with plastic wrap.  It was hard to resist, but the fear of the stupid cling wrap getting stuck to me or itself kept me from eating the bowl of dough/goopy goodness. 
Preheat oven to 325F  if your oven is like mine it takes 30-45 minutes for it to heat. Refrigerate dough for AT LEAST one hour.   Go read a book, take a walk.. or a nap. 
Guilty fact: I cleaned and reorganized my fridge for this photo. 
I played with little bit for that hour. How cute is that dress!? 
How cute is she?! I feel a bias mom moment coming on. 
Ok. I think that’s enough.

So after patiently waiting an hour.. Good things come to those who wait!

Give it a quick stir, eat a glob of dough.. and  spoon spoonfuls on to a slightly greased cookie sheet.  
So my spoonfuls are kind of big.  I like big cookies.  Don’t mind my old cookie sheet, we have been though hell and high water together. 
Set oven timer for 14-15 minutes. My oven jumped to 13 before I could take a picture. 
Re-Cover and put back in fridge. It is important to keep the dough chilled in between batches. 
The final product!  Let cool on tray for 2-3 minutes, then finish cooling on wire rack. 
Enjoy! *sorry I ate one before I took the picture. I couldn’t help myself*

I think next time I will use only the one egg, and maybe make smaller cookies.  I have a cranberry orange muffin mix that I am dying to try this recipe with!  Happy Baking! 

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